How to Start a New Semester or School Year the Right Way - College Info Geek


Hello, friends!

A new semester is upon us and in this quick video, I wanna give you a few things that you can do to make sure that semester goes smoothly.

And one of the biggest things I wanna focus on in this video is setting yourself up to not burn out and lose motivation as the semester goes on.

'Cause I know when a new semester comes upon us, you're full of a lot of motivation, right?

You're full of all this like, new, refreshed energy, and you really wanna do well in all your classes, and get involved, and hang out with people, and do all that stuff.

As the semester goes on, you start to lose that motivation, right? Things just pile on, and due dates start to pile up, and your motivation starts to wane.

So I wanna talk about some things you can do to make sure that doesn't happen or at least, to let you mitigate those effects, and not let them make you lose steam.

But first, I wanna talk about, just the changing of habits. So in Charles Duhigg's book, The Power of Habit, which I have read and highly recommend, he talks about how people are apt to change their set patterns, their regular behaviors, more often during large life changes, such as moving to a new house, or becoming a parent, or getting married.

People who get married or move to a new house are really apt to change the brand of coffee they drink or the cereal they eat.

And the book mentions that people going through these big life changes are actually more vulnerable to marketers because of these huge upheavals in their life.
