Last Lecture Series | Gabriella Blum


While we're waiting, we're just going to get started.

For those of you who don't know, the last lecture is just a time for us to hang out with our favorite professors in an informal setting and to kind of hear what they're interested in and what's important to them right now, maybe ask them a few questions as we get ready for graduation.

So I'm Charity Fort.

I'm one of your class marshals.

And oh, quick note.

Also, you guys got an email about class gift.

We have class gift envelopes.

Here and so you can talk to one of the class marshals which are myself, Emily, and Maggie who's in the back if you have any questions about the class gift.

With that, I'm going to introduce our fabulous professor, Gabriella Bloom.

So Professor Gabriela Bloom is the Rita E. Hauser Professor of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law and Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, where she teaches international law and international conflict management.
