芝加哥的百万美元童话城堡 Chicago's Million Dollar Fairy Castle



Leonard Bernstein, Eleanor Roosevelt, Orville Wright, Albert Einstein, and Pablo Picasso.

No other place can you find the collection of people in one miniature book, approximately the size of a quarter, ever again on planet Earth.

We have it.

This is Colleen Moore's Fairy Castle.

My name is Margaret Schlesinger, and I'm a curator here at the Museum of Science and Industry.

The idea is fairies live inside of the castle, even today, and that we as visitors are just seeing the room as the fairy just left.

So books are still out in the library, the kettle is still on in the kitchen, and the place setting is ready for dinner once the humans leave.

Colleen Moore was an incredibly successful film star.

She collaborated with the highest-end designers and architects and fabricated this castle.

It began in 1928, it cost over $500,000 to create, which in today's money would be in the millions of dollars.
