仅限冷冻食材的烹饪接力挑战!FROZEN INGREDIENTS ONLY Recipe Relay Challenge | Pass It On S3 E13


- Last time was okay, surely this one will be fine.

- Surely.

- [Janice] Hello boys. - [Group] Hi Janice. - Good afternoon.

- [Janice] Today's theme is frozen ingredients.

You each have 10 minutes, alone in the kitchen, to contribute to a dish, using only frozen ingredients.

You will score yourselves based on your contributions and collectively judge whether the final dish is a pass or fail.

As is the theme, we've frozen numbers in ice cubes to determine the order.

- No, one again.

Oh, I don't want to go first again.

- [Janice] One player may also freeze their time for two minutes during their go, but this lifeline may only be used once.
