Contiki Legends: A True Travel Story, Told By Natalie Dormer


旅行久了总会问自己:旅行的意义究竟是什么?英伦女神Natalie Dormer超好听英音,动情讲述一段发生在罗马的旅行故事:最好的旅行,就是在陌生的地方,重新发现生活中那些久违的感动... 小玫瑰的笑容和眼神好迷人,特别有故事感的声音呀~

How often do you get the chance to have your eyes opened?

I mean, really. . . opened.

We must have been about halfway through our Contiki trip and we arrived in the Italian capital city of Rome.

There was an American girl traveling with us, called Julie.

We discovered Julie was almost completely blind.

On this particular day, after exploring the many winding beautiful alleyways, we ended up at St. Peter's Basilica.

Our trip manager jokingly said he had forgotten the way back to the hotel and did anyone know how to get there.

None of us did, but then Julie piped up 'I can do it! '

We all thought she was joking too but she said: 'No, seriously. I can take us all back'.

So he turned and filed behind her retracing our steps as she led us through the maze of winding streets.
