3 Muscle Supplements Worth Your Money


After highlighting the lack of scientific support for three very popular muscle building supplements in my previous video, Ill be remiss not to address the other side of the coin.

Although the list might seem a lot shorter, there are supplements that have solid research suggesting it can be helpful for muscle growth.

So, without further ado, lets look at three muscle building supplements that ARE worth your money.

Number 1: Caffeine.

Caffeine is perhaps the most widely used stimulant in the world, taken almost religiously by many sleep-deprived individuals for a quick energy boost.

But, it also has very capable ergogenic, performance enhancing effects that can aid muscle growth.

Studies consistently show an increase in performance measurements such as totals reps and anaerobic output, explained possibly from caffeine increasing calcium mobilization into muscle cells, allowing for greater muscle contractions.

One study in particular, found a notable 12 percent increase in total bench press reps in the 6 to 12 rep range when subjects supplemented with caffeine.

More reps ultimately mean that you can lift for more volume, one of the best dose-dependent factors of muscle growth.

Caffeine can also acutely increase metabolic rate by an extra 14 calories burned per hour with up to 30 or more the more active you are.
