01 大学专业快速入门指南 An Introduction to Fast Guides | College Degrees | Study Hall


Choosing what to study in college is a big decision, and it can feel very very intimidating, possibly even more so than where you go to college.

But I will let you in on a secret: the only wrong choice is an uninformed choice.

And I have great news for you: you are at the place where the informing occurs.

Hi, I'm Hank Green, and welcome to Study Hall Fast Guides, a new series created as part of a partnership between Arizona State University and Crash Course.

These Fast Guides to college majors are actually just one part of this partnership.

On this channel, you can also find entire classes that are foundational to lots of college degrees and helpful hints and tips on college in general.

And over on the Crash Course channel, you can find our How to College series that talks about how to prepare for, apply to, succeed at, and graduate college.

But let's talk specifically about this Fast Guide series.

I, along with several other hosts, will walk you through some of the most popular majors in the U.S.; everything from psychology and English to nursing and interdisciplinary studies, which you might not even have known existed because I don't think I did when I was picking my major; even though it is one of the most popular majors in the U.S.

These will be snapshots of what the topic actually is and why it matters in our world; what courses you'll take, what type of skills are important, common pitfalls, and what options there are after college.
