微软发布会发布新品 The future of Surface is incredibly unclear with these new devices


美国东部时间9月21日,微软在纽约曼哈顿举行产品发布会,强调生成式AI的重要性。微软宣布,9月26日将在Windows 11中推出Copilot;11月1日,Microsoft 365 Copilot将面向企业客户全面发布;并将OpenAI最新的DALL.E 3集成至Bing和设计平台Designer。简言之,微软产品线中随处可见Copilot智能助手,标志着全民生成式AI办公时代的来临!

Okay, we just got wrapped up at Microsoft's special Surface and AI event in New York City where the company announced a bunch of new surface hardware.

They focused really hard on AI and this new copilot system.

And then there was the big question hanging over this event about the future of Windows and Surface now that Microsoft's former Surface and Windows Chief Panos Panay has announced his resignation.

But before we get into all of that, let's check out the new Surface hardware.

So Surface this year is a lot more iterative than we're used to.

There's no big new surface device, it's all sort of upgrades on existing hardware.

So we've got the Surface Go 4, which is kind of like the smallest Surface Pro with chips inside that are nowhere near as powerful.

Then you've got the Surface Laptop Go 3, which is on 12 gen chips.

And it's kind of like the alternative to the Surface Laptop, the sort of fully-fledged device that Microsoft has.

And then there's the Surface Hub 3, which is really for commercial customers and businesses.
