04 史前遗迹大揭秘 A Mini Guide to Prehistoric Monuments | Animated History


Britain's prehistoric monuments span almost four millennia.

Made using earth and stone, many survive todayand you can spot them all over the country.

This guide will help you read the landscape to identify a few of these ancient sites.

Long barrows are some of the earliest prehistoric monuments, dating from about 6,000 years ago, when people in Britain began to farm and build things using stone and wood.

A long barrow is an extended earth mound, with either a stone or timber burial chamber inside.

Sometimes only the impressive stone entrance remains.

About 5,000 years ago, earthwork enclosures known as henges began to appear.

Usually, these enclosed stone or timber structures, though sometimes they encircled settlements.

Stone and wooden circles, stone rows and other standing stones started to appear at the same time.

Stone circles could be small, medium or massivethey would have taken a huge communal effort to build.
