如何发音:香肠 How to Pronounce Charcuterie


What is up guys?

Bonjour, this is Julien, the Frenchman who makes pronunciation videos here on YouTube.

And we are looking at how to pronounce this category of food made of cured meats, dried pork in varied preparations, the hams, prosciutto and jamon, chorizo, salami, dried sausages and saucisson, mortadella, paté, speck, coppa, and many more.

So how do you go about pronouncing this?

There's going to be two different ways: the original French way which may help you understand how and why it's said like this in English, and the English and American way.

So in English or American, You'd say Charcuterie.


You do want to insist on the CU part, and it's CU and not COU because, yes, this is a French word, a name of French origin, and the Frenches pronounce U.

Charcuterie. Charcuterie.

Now in French, you'd say Charcuterie.
