最强英音:从小鲜肉到老绅士的Hugh Grant









船长说最强英音Hugh Grant

(song: Love is all around)

      今天我来和大家说说Hugh Grant。我曾经问过我的英国老友 ,在他心中哪些英国公众人物的发音相当出中。他脱口而出的就是Hugh Grant。顺便提一下,这位英国老友自身也毕业于伊顿公学。对于Hugh Grant,可能人们还停留在他的小鲜肉角色中,比如《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》里的痴情少年,《BJ单身日记》里划着船念着淫诗的花花公子,《诺丁山》里浪漫的书店老板等等。但如果你在认真学习英式发音的话,你会发现他的纯正口音中还带有传统RP的影子,他的发音可以说精准且无可挑剔。这是一个典型的从里到外透露着英国气息的人。无论从他的衬衫外套毛衣的打扮,还是节奏明快的发音,都可以感知到这点。

  Maurice是让Hugh Grant进入专业领域的敲门砖,而被大家所认知到的就是那部《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》。随后他几乎成为了90年代英国的最热门人物。他个性很强,而且一直表示演艺生涯只不过是自己的一个职业,并不是他天赋秉异的归宿。可以说,近年来他的演绎生涯又开始进入了一个发展阶段,并且有拓展到了喜剧,比如《帕丁顿熊2》等。最近较为知名就是《英国丑闻》。和当时的Maurice一样,他再次饰演了一位同性恋。

今天,我和大家分享的这段视频中,Hugh Grant说了自己饰演Maurice的前因后果。同时爆料了自己在参加威尼斯电影节并因此片获得最佳男演员时的尴尬情景。由于他的正装过于紧身,在坐下来的时候,他将裤子纽扣解开了。结果在站起来感谢全场观众时,被人发现裤裆开了,而且和他演对手戏的演员就在身旁,而且这部片子就是描述同性恋的。这画风清奇啊!顺便说一下,Hugh Grant的词汇量很大,用词很丰富,这可能和他大学主修英国文学有着很大的关系。



Only yesterday on the plane I was going through my old notes section of my phone, and I found a whole thing on Reasons Not To Do SOP (standard operating procedure). Coz I always try and find a reason not to do a job because acting scares me so much.

Maurice. I was in a very dark place, actually it wasn’t dark because what…I’d given up. I was writing and producing radio commercials and I was extremely happy doing it. And I wasn’t interested in acting anymore then my agent who I hadn’t spoken for months rang and said “Oh, they want to see you for this Merchant Ivory film.” And I said  “No…I can’t be bothered.” And my brother who’s a banker and very bossy-he happened to be at homesick that day and I was living with him-said “Don’t be ridiculous. You’ve got to go. You need some money. I’m sick of paying for you.” So he made me sort of get dressed up and I went and they were kind enough to like me. That was the first sort of propulsion into movies. I don’t know what to expect. It came out very well. People sometimes say to me “Are you worried about playing a gay role and I wasn’t at all. Never sort of struck me as if that was in anyway difficult or dangerous or controversial.

I remember the Venice Film Festival, the world premiere of the film, I’m sitting next to James Wilby and James Ivory and Ismail Merchant in the front row of the sort of circle and at the end of the film the audience really loved it. And they stood up and the clapped for a long time. And then the tradition of the Venice is that we the filmmakers stand up to accept the applause. What I had forgotten is that my suit was much too tight and I’d undone it and I’d undone my trousers quite earlier in the film and I completely forgot to do them up. So it did look odd at the end of this gay film. I stand up and bow solemnly to everyone next to my co-star with my trousers undone.

音标来源/ Longman Pronunciation Dictionary & Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary


  1. 留意really的处理。我发现即便是英国人也有不少将它处理成rarely。如果你对自己的发音是有要求的,请将它还原成/ˈrɪə.li/。

  2. Hugh Grant的传统RP的影子会在movies, Wilby等处出现。

  3. 纯正的发音往往在note, up,undone等处表现得相当精准。

  4. 更多发音提高和训练请参考以下方式进入专业的英音正音练习社群,这里有一大群喜欢和掌握了英音的伙伴们。




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