为什么生物多样性这么重要?Why is biodiversity important - with Sir David Attenborough | The Royal Society


生物多样性因全球人类的活动受到影响,大卫·爱登堡(David Attenborough)解释了为什么生物多样性对人类如此重要,生物多样性的丧失如何影响我们的世界。如果我们现在采取行动,是否还来得及呢?

This spider monkey is an unwitting climate activist.

Large fruit eaters such as this one spread the seeds of tropical hardwood trees in their dung, helping to build up forests, which absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

And this is just one of perhaps millions of interactions that guarantee a healthy and functioning planet.

Humans have spent hundreds of years documenting life on Earth, and we now have a catalogue of around 1.6 million species.

However, there may be 7 or 8 million more that we don't yet know about.

We have a good idea of the large animals, such as mammals and birds, but there are doubtless even some of these that we've missed.

And the smaller you go, the more species there are left to find.

As the human impact on the planet intensifies, scientists fear that many species could be lost before we even discover them.

So why is it so important that we protect our planet's biodiversity?

When we think of protecting wildlife, we tend to picture the superstars.
