南非游猎之旅 My Solo Trip to South Africa



This morning, a leopard dropped a dead antelope out of a tree onto the ground next to me and now I am splattered with antelope blood.

Welcome to South Africa.

Good morning from Cape Town.

After a couple of weeks exploring in Namibia, which was amazing, if you didn't see that video I'll have it linked up here or down below, I've flown to South Africa to spend a week exploring here.

I'm spending a few days in Cape Town and then I'm going to be flying to the Kruger National Park area to visit Sabi Sands, which I will talk about more when I get there.

I'm staying on the waterfront here in Cape Town.

And to be honest, my first impression is that it reminds me of San Francisco.

This morning when I woke up, there was this foggy low marine layer and there's lots of shops and restaurants.

I have an incredible view from this room, which I was not expecting, and I'm super happy with my choice to stay in this area.

So, the first thing I have planned here in Cape Town is a private tour.
