夏威夷考爱岛 Kauai Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia


在美国夏威夷群岛的首府——檀香山之外120千米的地方,有一个小岛叫考爱岛。它好像一颗镶嵌在蓝色汪洋之中的绿宝石,璀璨夺目。考爱岛(Kauai ) 亦译考艾岛。 美国夏威夷州考艾县火山岛。在欧胡岛西北150千米处,夏威夷群岛最北端。面积1433平方千米。植被茂盛,有“花园岛”(The Garden Isle)之称。

From an eye-popping coastline to a colossal canyon

From ancient cultures to cool coastal vibes...

If ever there were an island where all things bloom, surely it is Kauai.

It once took mariners months to reach her shores, but today, the Hawaiian island of Kauai is just a six-hour flight from mainland USA, or a half-hour flight from Honolulu.

Kauai is the tip of a giant volcano, which rose from the Pacific floor over 5 million years ago.

The waves brought coconuts.

The birds brought seed, and the mountains, rain.

By the time the legendary Polynesian navigator Hawai'iloa arrived, Kauai was a veritable garden, ready to nourish all with her spiritual essence, her Mana.

On today's Kauai, no building can be taller than a coconut tree, a symbol of her people's deep and ongoing respect for the island.

Begin your Kauai adventure on the North Shore, and you'll soon see why Kauai is known as The Garden island.
