碧莉读睡前故事 Billie Eilish Reads 'This Moose Belongs to Me' by Oliver Jeffers | CBeebies Bedtime Stories


人气歌手碧莉来为大家读故事咯!这篇故事名为《This Moose Belongs to Me》,作者是英国绘本大师奥利弗·杰弗斯,讲述关于人与动物自然和谐相处的故事。希望各位大小朋友们喜欢这个温暖有趣的故事~

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Just search CBeebies Bedtime Stories.

Hey, I'm Billie.

I love making music and I have sung my songs to people all around the world.

I also love nature.

And our world is full of wonderful, beautiful wildlife, from the tiniest wildflower to the most massive moose.

This Bedtime Story is about a little boy called Wilfred, who says he owns a very big moose called Marcel.

But does he really own Marcel?

The story is called This Moose Belongs to Me, and it was written and illustrated by Oliver Jeffers.

Wilfred owned a moose.
