299 少数派并不孤单 Is Everyone Else Normal? Feeling Painfully Different


Much is said about the virtues and pleasures of individualityof being someone who stands out from the crowd and delights in their own particularity.

But let's also admit to how frankly lonely and frightening it can be to find ourselves (yet again) in a peculiar minority, where the differences between us and others strike us as bewildering rather than emboldening, when for example: Everyone seems to want to gossip but we prefer generosity and forgiveness.

When everyone is at ease but we're melancholy and self-conscious.

When everyone is cheerful but we can't let go of anxiety and apprehension.

When everyone seems confident but we feel suspicious and ashamed of ourselves.

When everyone is contented in their couples but we are still searching for a home.

When everyone worries passionately about the future of the planetbut we feel cold and at times almost indifferent.

When everyone seems to love life, but we're not sure if we quite do.

At such times, we might benefit from a few thoughts to alleviate the isolation: We don't know reality as well as we imagine.

What we believe 'everyone' is like may not be how they actually are.
