05 为什么选择政治学? What is Political Science? | College Majors | College Degrees | Study Hall


At some point, years and years ago, we humans began living together in groups, and that's helped us do amazing things like create intricate cultural elements like languages and music and accomplished big tasks like putting people on the moon.

But it's also had its challenges, like somewhere along the way we had to decide who was going to go out and hunt, and who was going to figure out how to invent the wheel.

And then we had to decide where different shops were located, and how we divide up natural resources, and how to settle feuds over land and how it should be used, and collect taxes, and the list goes on and on.

Yet somehow we've created all sorts of different systems to solve these problems and well, make our world work.

But that doesn't mean it's been easy or that there still aren't a lot of questions to answer.

Like, just how do we go about creating these systems? What types of systems are there? Which ones work best? How do we know? And what happens when a group of people with one system of government clash with a group of people under another system?

Hi, I'm Erica Berzowski, and welcome to Fast Guides, a Study Hall series presented in partnership with Arizona State University and Crash Course.

In this episode, let's talk about what you'll study in a political science degree.

If you're thinking about majoring in political science, you're in good company.

As of 2022, political science majors have been getting more and more popular in recent years.
