我希望早点知道的 7 个人生经验 7 Life Lessons I Wish I Knew Sooner


Hey, friends, welcome back to the channel.

So over the last 6 months, I have learned a handful of life lessons that I really wish I'd known earlier.

And this video I'm sharing with you.

So here are seven life lessons I wish I've known earlier.

Lesson number one that I wish I'd known sooner is don't underestimate the value of headspace.

I really learned this over the last 6 months or as you guys might know, I have been writing a book which is now published.

It's called Feel Good Productivity.

And the last 6 months have been a battle towards marketing and publicity and trying to drive pre orders and trying to get on all these podcasts so that we can get sales and stuff.

And it's very exciting but we did in fact hit the New York Times and the Sunday Times bestseller lists.

And so my own goal for the book was achieved alongside my actual goal which was to write a book I'm proud of.
