

19-3-13【地道美语091】美丽高峰爱情故事《钻石恒久远》:如何买钻戒, 挑钻石



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Dialogue : (课堂全文本于微信公众号【英语PK台】课后发送,参与直播互动中译英练习需加京晶微信goingforgold2018 拉入群


dialogue 1

Mark: Jingjing, I haven't asked you -------Meili and that guy she was dating.

Jingjing: Gaofeng?  Well, I have some news about them: ---------------

Mark: Really?  Last I heard, they were kinda split up.

Jingjing: Gaofeng was--------, and not ready for much of a-------- then.

Mark:  Wow,so they're tying the knot.  ------------a date for thewedding?

Jingjing:  Idon't think so.  ----------------

Mark:  ----------------------------------------------------------------

Jingjing: They're going to need it.  They want to have a big wedding and go to------------.  Also, they're buying the rings now.

Mark:  Ringsdon't need to be that -------------------------.

Jingjing: She wants a big ---------------------------------.

Mark:  Well ------------------- shellout a lot of money for it.  Once you get over one carat,a diamond is pretty pricey.

Jingjing:  Doyou know much about diamonds?

Mark:  Areyou kidding?  -------------------------

Jingjing: Oh, then you could give some advice.

Mark: There's not so much advice to give.  -------------------------rubies or sapphires.

Jingjing: What do you mean?

Mark:  Well,most precious gemstones are valued by ---------------, of course also theirsize, and ---------------or treated.

Jingjing: That sounds complex.



Dialogue 2

Mark:  Well,a really beautiful gemstone might be ----------.  But there are lots ofgems that are quite cheap,----------------.

Jingjing: And what about diamonds?

Mark:  Well,a company buys up --------------- every year, and then resellsthem.  So, the prices are kept high.

Jingjing:  Iknow about that. ------------------buying a diamond?

Mark:  Go forD, E, or F color.  That's nearly white.

Jingjing:  ------------?

Mark:  Yeah, ---------------------. So, get an IF* or VVS1 or VVS2.

Jingjing:  Isthat all?

Mark:  Prettymuch.  Most ---------- perfectly nowadays.  But people who----------witha big cheap diamond are probably ignoring ------------------------C's.

Jingjing: You got ahead of yourself, Mark.  The C's???

Mark:  Thoseare -----------------------and carat.  Carat is the size, based on -----------.

Jingjing: So, what's most important?

Mark: Basically, s-------------- diamond, then consider what size of --------------diamondthey can afford.

Jingjing: Yeah, Meili is going ----------- solitaire.  So thatsounds like a good idea.

Mark:  I ---------------------------------------

Jingjing:  It------------------------------------

Mark:  Haha. I don't have any advice about that.


new words andphrases


from dialogue 1

tying the knot  gettingmarried, making a lifetime commitment

pitch in  help,contribute

shell out  spend (money)

carat  a unitof weight, for measuring diamonds and other gemstones

ruby  aprecious gemstone, usually red

sapphire  aprecious gemstone, usually blue



from dialogue 2

buy up  buyall of one kind of thing that's for sale right now (buy up all the houses inthe community)

the four C's  fourqualities of diamonds, cut, color, clarity and carat

conference  a bigmeeting

solitaire  a ringor other piece of jewellery with just one gemstone (a diamond solitaire is atraditional engagement ring worn by women)

break the bank  spendall your money to buy something (break the piggy bank)

IF (internallyflawless)  VVS1 very-very slightly included (1 is clearer than 2) worsestill is VS1, VS2, S1, S2