Learn How to Use Contractions to Sound Like a Native English Speaker


Hi, Bob the Canadian here. Welcome to this English lesson on contractions.

If you don't know what a contraction is, it's when we take two words like "do" and "not" and we combine them together into "don't".

Sometimes when you're learning English, this can be a bit of a challenge, but using contractions can really help you sound like a native speaker.

We use contractions a lot. So in this video, I'll help you learn eight of ... that's eight, right?

Eight of the most common English contractions and I'll give you examples on how to use them. Well hey, welcome to this English lesson on contractions.

I'm Bob the Canadian and I'm happy to be teaching you a little bit of English. If you are new here, don't forget to click that red subscribe button below and if this

video helps you learn a little bit of English, please give me a thumbs up. The first contraction that we're going to look at combines the words "do" and "not".

If I was to say, "I do not like ice cream," that would be a completely correct English sentence, but as a native English speaker, I would be more likely to say, "I don't like

ice cream". Notice the difference.

I took the word "do" and the word "not" and I combined them to say "don't". So "I do not like ice cream" becomes, "I don't like ice cream."
