Making a TED-Ed Lesson: Creative process


Making a TED-Ed Lesson: Creative process

View full lesson: Ever wondered how a TED-Ed animation is made? Go behind-the-scenes of "Ho...

The healthy liver cell divides only when it's stressed. The healthy hair cell divides frequently.

And the cancer cell divides even more frequently and recklessly. " The first draft that I saw was, like,

four days before it was supposed to go online or something like that,

and I hadn't heard, you know I hadn't heard, so, I was like, 'Hey, guys, just wondering if you need me for anything? '

You know? And so she floods my inbox with emails, being like,

'Yes, we actually need you for a bunch of stuff! ' And it was great.

Like, when I first saw it, I mean, you immediately get the whole natural versus unnatural technique."

" Not good for you? " " Right, yes, there you go,

good for you and not good for you. Seeing that, actually, was really cool

because, I mean, I had no idea. Writing the script, you have no idea
