创造力与抑郁症之间的关联 Creativity and Depression_ What Causes the Link_


The World Health Organization estimates that over 121 million people worldwide suffer from some form of depression.

It is one of the world's most common mental disorders and with 30 percent of sufferers attempting suicide.

I'm not lying when I say the depression kills.

Creative types have been proven to be the group most affected by this disorder with people such as Ernest Hemingway Virginia Woolf and Michelangelo all being affected.

Is this due to nothing but their unique thought processes or could it be something else?

It has been proven that as a species human beings are drawn to those with whom we share ideas and have similarthoughts with.

Studies have shown this time and time again such as in Newcomb's 1956 experiment where he found that men liked their housemates more if they had similar attitudes about sex, family and politics.

This is because people enjoy feeling validated are impressed when others have the same taste as them and find it easier to talk to those with the same interests.

So it is reasonable to assume that if a person is unable to find someone with a similar thought process to them they will become lonely and may end up suffering from depression.

Creative people have the most unique of minds and therefore we can draw the conclusion that as cliched as it sounds no one understands them.
