学习与机场有关的英语词汇 English Lesson At The Airport - English


Hey everybody. It's Ariannita la Gringa and welcome back to my YouTube channel.

Can you guys guess where I'm at today?

Well, today I'm at the airport and I'm going to teach you guys airport vocabulary.

And how did I get to the airport?

Well, today I drove up to the airport and I parked my car inside the parking garage.

If you don't want to park your car inside the parking garage because it can be expensive, then you can get dropped off by an Uber, taxi, or by your friend or family member.

And you get dropped off at the departures.

Right now we're at the departures.

And today I'm at the airport because I have a flight to catch to go to Orlando, Florida.

This is one of the most requested videos on my channel.
