演员、歌手萨布丽娜·卡彭特的一周穿搭 Every Outfit Sabrina Carpenter Wears in a Week _ 7 Days, 7 Looks _ Vogue


Hi Vogue, I'm Sabrina Carpenter, and I'm gonna show you what I wear in a week.

Okay, this would probably be my most comfortable studio look.

I spend most of my time in life at the studio.

If I'm not on set, I'll be writing.

I think vintage t-shirts are what I live and sleep and breathe in all the time.

This one I just found in New York a few weeks ago, and I'm obsessed with it because it's half Rihanna have Eminem from the tour that they went on together, that I was not privileged to go to, but you know what?

We lived through the shirt now, so it's good.

And then this bag, and also this jacket are both from Nell.

I found this jacket like a miracle.

It just like stuck out to me.
