为什么维也纳是世界上最宜居的城市 | 奥地利首都必看景点 Why Vienna is the World's Most Livable City | Must-sees in Austria's Capital



What's it like to spend a day in the most livable city in the world?

Let's find out!

I'm in Vienna, the Austrian capital.

This amazing city is full of incredible buildings.

My day is going to be filled with architectural highlights, local cuisine and the world's oldest ferris wheel!

I'll also be meeting a local to find out why Vienna has been voted the most livable city in the world by 'The Economist'.

I'm starting my morning at the Stephansdom or St. Stephen's Cathedral.

It's a major landmark in the city and isn't it gorgeous?

The gothic cathedral sits in the heart of the inner city and it is the tallest church in Austria.

I basically have to crane my neck to see the spires!
