


More than a century after first emerging into the fog-boundgas-lit streets of Victorian London, Sherlock Holmes is universally recognizable.

Even his wardrobe and accessories are icone: the inverness cape, deertalker hat, and calabash pipe.

And figures such as his best friend and housemate Doctor Watson.

Arch-nemesis Moriarty, and housekeeper Mrs Hudson, have become part of the popular consciousness, as have his extraordinary infallible powers of deduction utilized in the name of the law.

His notorious drug use, and his popular catchphrase, " Elementary My Dear Watson" .

And yet many of these most recognizable features of Holmes, don't appear in Arthur Conan Doyle's original stories.

Doyle's great detective solves crimes in all sorts of ways, not just using deduction.

He speculates and at times even guesses, and regularly makes false assumptions.

Furthermore, Mrs. Hudson is barely mentioned,(and)no one says" Elementary My Dear Watson" , and the detective and his sidekick live apart for much of the time.

Moriarty, the grand villain, only appears in two stories, the detective's drug use is infrequent after the first two novels.
