解构电影《大都会》中的未来建筑世界 Francis Ford Coppola Breaks Down The Design of 'Megalopolis' | Architectural Digest



The great artist and scientist Goethe once said, architecture is frozen music.

And I always thought, what a beautiful idea.

Time stop!

All artists stop time and control time, and they have from the very first little painting that someone did on a cave wall, because when you do a painting, you are taking an instant of reality and freezing it.

My name is Francis Coppola.

Today I would like to talk about architecture in my movie, Megalopolis.

Megalopolis is basically a fable and like a Roman epic, but it's set in modern America.

There are two principal characters who are in opposition.

One is a mayor of the city named Cicero, and of course he's an evolution of the famous Latin consul and writer, Cicero.

And his opponent is a sort of an amalgamation of modern people, namely Robert Moses and Walter Gropius who came here with his Bauhaus art school, and his first name is Caesar, and he is the artist architect of the story.
