美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔2024乔治城大学毕业演讲 Remarks by Chair Powell at the Georgetown University Law Center commencement ceremony


Thank you, Dean Treanor, for the invitation to speak here today.

I am very sorry that circumstances prevent me from joining you in person.

I will start by acknowledging the parents, spouses, partners, other family members and mentors who are here.

Without your support, sacrifice, and encouragement, we would not have so much to celebrate today.

And to the class of 2024-congratulations on earning your law degree.

You are the most selective class in Georgetown history, chosen from 14,000 applicants, and the most well qualified as well.

Among you are Fulbright scholars, military veterans, Peace Corps, AmeriCorps and Teach for America alumni, student athletes, accomplished musicians and even a medical doctor.

An impressive group.

This is also the most diverse class in the 154-year history of the school.

I am especially proud today to say that there is a lot of Georgetown in my family tree.
