Which Web Browser Is the Safest?


Some Internet browsers.

Collect your data for their own personal use.


But the bigger issue here are Internet trackers.

In short, trackers follow you everywhere on the Internet and steal things like your computer's IP address, your personal data, and your browsing history and trends.

Some web browsers are better than others for protecting your data.

Everyone's favorite web browser Chrome is not the best, but luckily the defaults on both Mac and PC are pretty good on map.

There's obviously Safari, which has some very good anti-tracking programs built right into the browser.

Apple calls it intelligent tracking prevention, and what it really does is block a bunch of known trackers from being able to track your activity, as well as block them from something called cross-site tracking, which lets trackers follow your activity from site to site.

Now on Windows, you have Microsoft Edge, which used to be a bit of a joke, but these days is actually a very competent browser.
