- The battle for the worst candy rages on.
- Let's talk about that. (alarm rings) (playful theme music) (fire blasts)
Good Mythical Morning.
- It's day two of our worst Halloween candy tournament, which means that we're one day closer to crowning a loser and one day closer to crowning some teeth, am I right? - (chuckles) If you haven't seen yesterday's episode, pause this one and go watch that one so you're all caught up.
Today we've got eight more terrible candies to sink our teeth into.
We will consume them all but only four will come out the other end of our assessment.
- Ooh!
- It's time for Clash of the Crappy Candies: Day Two.
- Now before we get into it, just a reminder, the Tour of Mythicality has a few final stops:
November 8th, 9th, and 10th in Toronto,