

成为《世界百科全书》词条的作者 (1/3)

I live in the computer age and I love it here! I have long embraced pixels, multi-screen work stations and the information superhighway. I really can picture a paperless world.

And yet, I grew up in a very different place. When I was born in 1960, paper was where great knowledge was recorded.

In my house, all through the 1960s and 1970s, our family worshipped the World Book Encyclopediathe photos, the maps, the flags of different countries, the handy sidebars revealing each state's population, motto and average elevation. I didn't read every word of every volume of the World Book, but I gave it a shot.

I was fascinated by how it all came together. Who wrote that section on the aardvark?

How that must have been, to have the World Book editors call and say, " You know aardvarks better than anyone. Would you write an entry for us? " Then there was the Z volume. Who was the person deemed enough of a Zulu expert to create that entry?

Was he or she a Zulu?
