费曼学习法 How to Learn Faster with the Feynman Technique (Example Included)


新学期伊始,如果你想减少学习时间,同时提升学习效率,那就了解一下费曼技巧吧!这个技巧以物理学家理查德·费曼(Richard Feynman)的名字命名,这种方法的核心理念是通过将所学内容以简单、清晰的方式教授给别人来加深自己对知识的理解。 

There's this pretty well known quote that gets thrown around a lot and it's often attributed to Albert Einstein.

And it goes, if you can't explain it simply, then you don't understand it well enough.

Now whether or not Einstein was the person who actually said this, let's be real he probably wasn't, it's still really insightful and reversing it reveals a pretty powerful piece of study advice.

Now this idea is something I touched on briefly back in my video summary of the Study Less, Study Smart lecture by Doctor Marty Lubdell, because in that lecture he talked about one of the effective study techniques being to teach what you're learning to someone else.

So in this video, I want to dig deeper into that idea and share with you a step-by-step process for doing this, which has been called the Feynman Technique.

Now this technique is named after the physicist who was, in his own right, a great scientist.

In fact, back in 1965, he won a Nobel Prize for his work in quantum electrodynamics, which is something I had to practice saying a couple of different times, and he contributed to science in a number of different ways, including in the development of what are called Feynman diagrams, which are basically graphical representations of the math behind how subatomic particles work.

But in addition to being a great scientist, he was also a great teacher and a great explainer.

And in fact, one of his nicknames was "The Great Explainer", because he was able to boil down incredibly complex concepts and put them in simple language that other people could understand.

And that's why he's one of those great scientists who is also known as a very good teacher.
