Behind the Mac — Greatness


在苹果举行的“One More Thing”特别活动上,一则名为《Behind the Mac》的新广告展示了使用Mac平台创作音乐、电视、电影等的知名人物。跟以往《Behind the Mac》活动一样的是,最新的这支广告时长也只有一分钟多一点,主要展示的是名人、音乐家、记者和其他依靠Mac工作的内容创造者。

There's a certain kind of person who doesn't take no for an answer.

They don't walk in quietly.

They parade in.

Trailblazing, eyebrow raising, the status quo breaking.

Grazing greatness, braving hatred, and taking up space.

Never got a seat at the table, so they can't sit and behave.

They'd rather defy the rules and amaze.

There's a certain kind of person who doesn't wait for greatness.

They make it.
