Making a TED-Ed Lesson: Animation


Making a TED-Ed Lesson: Animation

View full lesson: Ever wondered how a TED-Ed animation is made? Go behind-the-scenes of "How do ca...

Enough mutations can bypass these fail-safes, driving these cells to divide recklessly.

That one rogue cell becomes two, then four,

then eight. " How do you animate real materials,

like brains and nerves and stuff like that? How do you take something that doesn't move

and then make it move? " " So, that's actually, we used a method

called stop-motion animation, in which you are moving the objects

underneath the camera, each frame, one at a time,

and you take a picture for each picture that you've created.

So, for this, we were watching a lot of videos on how cell division works,

and from that, I created a line-drawn animation that was my reference animation.
