Fashion Historian Fact Checks 'Air' Costumes | Glamour


- [Announcer] "Air" is a biographical sports film directed by Ben Affleck that tells the story of Michael Jordan's journey to Nike.

This is Phil Knight, the CEO and founder of Nike.

This is Dolores Jordan, Michael Jordan's mother and unofficial business manager.

So how well did the film do in conveying the looks of these legendary characters?

Let's take a look and find out.

We asked this fashion historian.

- Hi, I'm Raissa Bretana and I'm a fashion historian.

- [Announcer] So walk us through what "Air" got right and mostly right about these looks.

- The film is set in 1984. It's centers around a Nike employee named Sonny Vaccaro who revolutionized the sports marketing industry by signing NBA rookie Michael Jordan to a landmark deal.

Costume designer Charlize Antoinette Jones chose to highlight the subtler side of the 1980s in "Air" which felt right for a story largely set in a business casual office environment.
