Part 2


Jean Liu: Yes.

Charlie Rose: How so?

Jean Liu: Well, you know, in our business, if you think aboutit, you know, let's put away the jargons. When you think about, you know, what's the technology is really doing to help us -- let's say a passenger standing in the street, in our business, you know, turn on our app and click a button. And he wants a ride now, as fast as possible, right. But however, always all the time when it is peak hours, bad weather, there is not a car around, right. You cannot get it, so there are two things. Number one is you know the deep learning technology. Basically, we are training the system that can predict in the next 20 minutes in every corner of a city how many rides requests were coming out. So even before this person pressed this button, we dispatch a car to arrive to meet him. So that is the predictive capability. That is part of the artificial intelligence capability. And secondly, a lot of people think, oh, why don't you just dispatch the closest car to you? But we tell you, you know, on the map it's closest, but could be, you know, when a U. N. event, there's roadblocks.

Charlie Rose: Right.

Jean Liu: You know, in a very difficult road situation there'straffic control, you know, there's one-way situation, you know, the closest car may not be the most efficient one.

So you know, we just know the system keeps learning what is going on in the local situation. This might sound a bit boring but if you think about it, this technology is really helping everybody to get a ride faster. And if you times that to 25 million rides a day, because we are completing 25 million rides a day, that's actually.

Charlie Rose: You're completing 25 million rides a day?

Jean Liu: So every second in the peak hour is 600 rides, every second there are 600 rides delivered. And there's, you know, millions of, you know, times of calculation underneath it. So I think that is one application when people talk about A. I. You know, A. I. sounds like a very big word. But you know, in real life, in our industry, the application actually helps, you know, people to commute better. And I think that's the beautiful part of it.

Charlie Rose: There was a giant competition between Uber and Didi in China.

Jean Liu: Yes.
