


The phone rings in the dining room. James stops work and answers it. Hello. Hello, is that James, the butler?

Yes, sir, it is. James, is my wife at home? Yes, sir. Good. Can you bring her to the phone? I want to speak to her at once. Be quick!

Very good, sir. So you want me to bring your wife to the phone. Is that right, sir? Yes, yes, James. Now just go and do it. (James goes off slowly. Henry speaks to himself. )

My wife's got a lover, I think. But I must know! What's James doing? And where's my wife? (James comes back slowly and speaks into the phone. ) Hello, sir. James speaking.

Hello, James. So where's my wife? Your wife is at home, sir, but she can't speak to you at the moment, I'm afraid.

She can't speak to me! My wife can't speak to me! Why not? Well, sir, she's in the bathroom. . . In the bathroom! . . . with a man.

(Putting a hand to his head) With a man! But don't worry, sir, it's only Mr Blessiu, the plumber. He's working in the bathroom.

(Not listening, speaking to himself) She's in the bathroom with her boyfriend! I knew it! James, can you do something for me? Of course, sir. Go into my bedroom, and find the box under my bed. In that box there's a gun. Take it out, James.

Very good, sir. You want me to go into your bedroom, find the box under your bed, and take out the gun. Is that right, sir? Yes, James, yes! Just go and do it. (James goes offslowly. Henry speaks to himself. )

I knew it! My wife's got a lover! But soon James is going to come back with that gun, and then. . . (James comes back with the gun. Into the phone) Hello, sir, James here.
