Making a TED-Ed Lesson: Concept and design


Making a TED-Ed Lesson: Concept and design

View full lesson: Ever wondered how a TED-Ed animation is made? Go behind-the-scenes of "...

We all start life as one single cell. Then that cell divides and we are two cells,

then four, then eight.

Cells form tissues, tissues form organs,

organs form us. " So, how did you guys decide, like,

what style to use when animating this video? " " I, originally, when I was reading the script,

I was thinking a lot about food." " Were you hungry? "

" I was hungry probably because I always am. But, yeah, I was thinking about healthy food

and thinking of how can I use material, how could I actually materialize that cell,

the cancer cell and the healthy cell. So, I decided to use grain and seeds for healthy cells

and, then, for the cancer cells, actually, we decided to use candy.
