神州万里庆华诞,见证城市大崛起 | The Massive Chinese Cities You've Never Heard Of... Yet



This is Foshan.

It's a city that was home to just 758,000 people in 1985 that's now almost the same size as Hong Kong.

And yet, despite its population of 7.4 million people, most of us would probably confess that we've never heard of it.

It's a story that's repeated time and time again with massive cities across this vast country and it speaks to the insane urbanization of this emerging superpower over the past 30 years - quick, sustained,on a huge scale and all happening while other countries were distracted with their own problems. These are the massive Chinese cities you've never heard ofyet.

60% of China's 1.4 billion citizens now live in cities,but it wasn't always like this.

With some of the most productive agricultural land in the world, the population used to be spread across rural areas.

Then, in the 1970s and 80s, social and economic reforms triggered the start of a major transition to urban living and many of the country's small villages transformed into enormous metropolises.

Today more than 113 cities have a population of over a million people and the country is home to more of the world's largest cities than anywhere else.

It's a rate of progression that was only really made possible by a long-term strategic plan to control urban growth.

With the majority of China's large cities concentrated in the North East prior to the reforms, Special Economic Zones (SEZs) were established to shift the country's economic centre south - while small and medium-sized cities across China were designated free-trade, high-tech, economic and technological development zones to ensure investment, jobs and population growth were not limited to just a handful of areas.
