为什么音乐会让你情绪化?Why Does Music Make You Emotional?


We all sort of know that music tugs at our heartstrings.

Think of the excitement you feel at a rock concert or the lump you get in your throat when the first dance starts at your friends' wedding.

Think of that holiday music nostalgia.

Or how nice it is to dance around your kitchen to your favorite Spotify playlist.

And like, there's definitely a reason that the soundtrack for a horror film is nothing like the one for a romcom.

But the question of why music gives us the feels is a trickier one, and it's something psychologists have been investigating for a long time.

Turns out, this research might be so difficult because there are a whole bunch of explanations.

First, it's worth pointing out that music really is universal.

whether you're hearing it through your ears or feeling something like rhythm through vibrations.

It's been found to be part of every known human culture, and even as infants, we react to and enjoy it.
