What's Really Happening At CERN


Okay ready?

Right here on the border between  France and Switzerland is the biggest science experiment ever built.

It's this huge tunnel over  100 m underground and 27 km long running under nearby homes and businesses and farms and inside  that tunnel scientists put a long blue tube big enough to crawl through and inside that tube they  put two pipes that they keep colder and emptier than outer space and down those pipes they  fire particles smaller than atoms in opposite directions pushing them faster and faster and  faster until when they're almost at the speed of light they smash together, sending subatomic debris  flying off into this massive detector.

This underground particle smasher took thousands of  people from over a hundred different countries $5 billion and over 30 years to plan and build.

My question was... why?

Why do this?

Why spend so much money and time to smash particles together  in an underground tunnel?

And now... why do so many people say that what we really need to do is build... a bigger one?

"Future Circular Collider" "new particle accelerator" "building a bigger one" "in Geneva, Switzerland" "more than 3 times the size and twice as deep" I'm going all the way to Switzerland  to the particle smasher itself to understand what's really going on here and to go on a journey that will forever change how I see myself and the world around me... This is Huge If True.

Part of this video is sponsored by Shopify.
