2024苹果全球开发者大会 18 things from WWDC24 | Apple


北京时间6月11日凌晨一点,2024年度的苹果开发者大会拉开了帷幕。在本次发布会上,苹果一如既往地发布了iOS 18、iPadOS 18、macOS 15等软件系统,万众瞩目的“苹果AI”也随之来到我们面前,苹果将其命名为Apple Intelligence,缩写也正好是AI。来看看有哪些惊喜吧。

Siri, play that one song Diego sent me.


Oh! How'd it do that?

With Apple Intelligence.

It's AI that gets you, on your Apple products -- iPhone, iPad, Mac -- with built-in privacy.

And you can make your own emoji.

Yeah. Make. Your. Own. Emoji.

Make your new profile pic with Image Playground.

Pull up a photo by describing it.

Or clean up an otherwise very cute pic.
