品尝全球各地超美味的街头美食 第二辑 Taste Testing Global Street Food


- Welcome back to the channel. Today we have prepared four global street food dishes for our normals to taste.

Once they've tried to guess kind of, what's involved in the dish, they then have to pinpoint where in the world it is from. If they get a correct answer, it is worth five points.

If they're both wrong, the closest answer takes a point. - I'm ready.

- Bring it. - Okay, boys, round one.

Remove your blindfolds. - Oh! - Oh, yeah.

- Wait. - What? Someone's put a quiche in my burrito?

- Somebody's put a quiche in my burrito. - [Mike] What we got is, what looks like maybe egg, potato, onion, some avocado in a wrap.

- Like so many street foods, there's lots of variations of them. This is one that we've pulled together based on, kind of a number of recipes we found online, to give you the idea.

- Well, cheers. - Cheers. - Fantastic.

There are some herbs running through that that make all the difference. Spring onions?
