十种损伤大脑的行为 10 BAD Habits That Damage Your Brain


Hey everyone, and welcome to TopThink.

Today, we will learn about 10 bad habits that damage your brain.

Now, let's begin.

Our brains are remarkably complex organs, composed of billions of interconnected neurons that allow us to perceive the world around us, think critically, experience emotions, and form memories.

Yet as sophisticated as the brain is, it is also vulnerable to gradual damage from unhealthy lifestyle choices.

Many common habits that you mindlessly repeat can slowly impact the structure and function of your brain over months and years.

Maybe you spend way too much time scrolling on your phone, or maybe you eat too much junk food.

You're probably aware of these things, but choosing to ignore them anyway.

While these kinds of habits may seem innocent, they can seriously damage your brain over time.

Poor habits corrode the brain's physical makeup, impair chemical signaling, increase inflammation, introduce toxins, and weaken connections among neurons.
