

Health Idioms 健康习语(1)

So I'm here with Olga, and she's a health coach, and we were talking about the difference between modern trends in nutrition and traditional health and things like that.

I thought I would throw out some idioms, and you . . . age-old idioms, words of wisdom, and how they apply today.

So the first one is: variety is the spice of life.

I totally agree with that, and I see it in clinical practice to be true.

You don't really need to be Ph. D in healing or nutrition.

If you throw into your diet variety, and it would change with the season, it would change with location, it would change with your mood and how your body feels, then that's it.

A variety can really give your body everything, and your body has all the knowledge, all the wisdom, and knows what to do with that.

So basically when we eat we shouldn't just eat one type of food, we wanna make sure we have a very varied food supply of vegetables, fruit, even meat, things like that?

That is correct, and our ancestors used to have a variety that is not two, not five, not 10, but 100 times more than what we do now.

Our ancestors would have 3,000 different food items that they would rotate.
