一种用微小蛋白质定制的新型药 Christopher Bahl: A new type of medicine, custom-made with tiny proteins


I'm a protein designer. And I'd like to discuss a new type of medicine.

It's made from a molecule called a constrained peptide. There are only a few constrained peptide drugs available today, but there are a lot that will hit the market in the coming decade.

Let's explore what these new medicines are made of, how they're different and what's causing this incoming tidal wave of new and exciting medicines. Constrained peptides are very small proteins.

They've got extra chemical bonds that constrain the shape of the molecule, and this makes them incredibly stable as well as highly potent. They're naturally occurring, our bodies actually produce a few of these that help us to combat bacterial, fungal and viral infections.

And animals like snakes and scorpions use constrained peptides in their venom. Drugs that are made of protein are called biologic drugs.

So this includes constrained peptides, as well as medicines like insulin or antibody drugs like Humira or Enbrel. And in general, biologics are great, because they avoid several ways that drugs can cause side effects.

First, protein. It's a totally natural, nontoxic material in our bodies. Our cells produce tens of thousands of different proteins, and basically, all of our food has protein in it.

And second, sometimes drugs interact with molecules in your body that you don't want them to. Compared to small molecule drugs, and by this I mean regular drugs, like aspirin, biologics are quite large.

Molecules interact when they adopt shapes that fit together perfectly. Much like a lock and key.

Well, a larger key has more grooves, so it's more likely to fit into a single lock. But most biologics also have a flaw.
