

19-2-27【地道美语089】微科幻口语 Time machine《坐上时光机穿越嘉庆年间 》



临时疑问可咨询新浪微博: @京晶am774 @英语PK台

如果真有时光机,你想坐上去哪里?回到过去还是飞向未来?开启一点想象力,一起来冲浪微科幻地道美语。在地下八层的房间,朋友建造了一台time Machine, 想试试吗?上来坐稳,想着要去的地方,按下巨大的绿色按钮,瞬间完成时空穿越的神奇……一个另类降落在陌生的世界,睁大眼睛,好奇观察…



Dialogue : (课堂全文本于微信公众号【英语PK台】课后发送,参与直播互动中译英练习需加京晶微信goingforgold2018 拉入群


Jingjing: Hey Mark, you wanna check out my friend's time machine?

Mark:  Yourfriend's—what?

Jingjing:  Hebuilt it in a lab ----------.  Let's go down and take alook.

Mark: Alright.  You got me curious.

Jingjing: Here, ---------floor B7.

Mark:  Ididn't know ----------had seven basements.

Jingjing:  Ithas eight.  No one is ---------eighth one, though.

Mark:  Well,let's have a-------- this time machine.

Jingjing: This should be it over here.  ---------that he'd finished, and hadto ------------something.

Mark:  Whofinishes a project---------without trying it out first?

Jingjing: Well, he's like that.  -------------- ones, I guess.

Mark:  Hmm,this is hard to believe. -----------do the honors and decide wherewe're going.

Jingjing:  Ithas to be Beijing. -----------200 years back?

Mark:  Fine. ------------------

Jingjing: Then --------------

Mark: Nothing's happening.

Jingjing:  Italready happened.  See how our surroundings ----------------

Mark:  Wow! Good thing we're not underground.


dialogue 2

Jingjing: Wow is------------------people are wearing!

Mark:  Yeah,------------------

Jingjing: You are seeing history.  ----------------

Mark:  Whatdo you want to do here?

Jingjing:  Iwant to see the emperor,-------------- the navy.

Mark:  That'sa good idea.  You might--------in without me.  I'll get something toeat.

Jingjing: How could you-------------a time like this?

Mark:  Eversince you mentioned ------------- my stomach's been growling.

Jingjing: Ok, keep an eye on the time machine.  I'll be back in a couplehours.

Mark:  Thatwas quick. --------------------

Jingjing:  TheJiaqing emperor -------- Temple of Heaven.  I should have gone back to --------------orearlier.

Mark:  Didyou talk to anyone?

Jingjing: Yeah, they said they -----------, after fighting the Lotus Rebellion. Plus, I don't think they believed me.

Mark:  Iwouldn't.  -----------------out of place though.

Jingjing: Did you get something to eat at least?

Mark:  Icouldn't pay with my phone or use cash.

Jingjing: Oh, right. -----------------------



new words andphrases


from dialogue 1

time machine  amachine that a person can use to travel to the future or the past

lab  laboratory,a scientist's workshop

basement  afloor in a building, underground

do the honors  trysomething before other people have the chance

surroundings  buildings,trees, things around you in a certain place



from dialogue 2

navy  partof the military, for war at sea

out of place  verydifferent from other people