

02 - Forward

The world has changed dramatically since the seven habits of highly effective people was first published.

Life is more complex, more stressful, more demanding.

We have transitioned from the industrial age into the information knowledge worker age, with all of its profound consequences.

We face challenges and problems in our personal lives, our families, and our organizations unimagined even one and two decades ago.

These challenges are not only of a new order of magnitude, they are altogether different in kind.

These sweeping changes in society and the rumbling shifts in the digitized global marketplace gives rise to a very important question, one that I'm asked fairly often.

Are the seven habits of highly effective people still relevant today?

And for that matter, will they be relevant 10, 20, 50, 100 years from now?

My answer is very simple.

The greater the change and the more difficult our challenges, the more relevant the habits become.
