Why This Robot Kills Weeds With Lasers


Right now, you and I are living through one of  the most pivotal moments in food history and most people have no idea that it's happening.

Like this massive machine is burning weeds with lasers so that farmers don't need to use  as many herbicides.

And this cute little robot is breaking up chunks inside a huge grain bin so  that farmers don't get hurt.

And this tractor is driving itself with me inside.

All of this cool  new tech is part of what experts are calling the "Fourth Agricultural Revolution" and it's  here because we're facing a big problem: The world's population is exploding.

By 2050 experts  say we'll need to increase food output by more than 50% to catch up with current population  and feed those new people and we've got to do it in ways that actually protect the Earth  long term.

Right now, farmers are in a fight to feed the world.

So let me show you some  of the coolest machines they're using to do that.

"Farming is changing... " "New ways of farming... " "New ways of farming!" "This is the laser weeder... " "It kills the weeds with lasers!" "There is no one in that tractor, I just started it with my phone!" We need a lot more food, fast.

12,000 years ago, all the humans alive were about half the population of New York City  today.
