解决注意力问题,舒缓疲惫的大脑 Fixing my attention span — healing an exhausted brain


Spring has come early to my valley and diminutive pink and white wild flowers have bloomed all over the forest floor.

I tread lightly these days and with great reverence, as there are so many treasures yet to behold.

I like to snatch away a few minutes on these cool mornings before the busyness of the workday sets in to express gratitude for all that has been renewed.

I don't have much time, but what I do have I value deeply and that has made all the difference.

In this video I wanted to share something that I've been working on for a very long time and that is fixing my attention span.

As a child, I could become deeply absorbed in things that interested me, even just watching the sun through a car window, engrossed in an imaginary world of my creation.

Everything I experienced I did so in the present moment, even if my curiosity took me somewhere else a moment later.

But something happened to me as I got older and my brain got more muddled.

And at times I've had to take inspiration from the better parts of my younger self and wonder how I want to spend the time I have.

I'm out here, just enjoying a little bit of the breeze and the sunshine.
